viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Daisy and Robin's costume of choice for this unit is an astronaut.
 In this unit, children will learn some vocabulary related to the space ( moon, stars, sky, earth, rocket, astronaut).

 This unit also teaches the concept of daytime and night-time, associating each with relatable activities, such as sleeping at night and playing during the day. 

Spring is here, so this unit also focuses on what seeds need to grow into flowers.

New words:
-Astronaut, rocket, earth, sky, stars, moon.
Daytime, sun, night-time.

Plants vocabulary:
Seeds, soil, water, light.

New structure: 
Let's go to the...
What do seeds need? They need...

What do seeds need to grow into lovely flowers?

They need lots of soil!
They need lots of water!
They need lots of light!

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